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Physics Colloquia and Seminars are held usually on Thursdays afternoon at 16 pm in Room A102-Aula Giulotto during the Fall and Spring semesters, unless otherwise announced.

The Physics Colloquia host distinguished guest speakers who highlight the forefront of ongoing research in Physics and in related fields. Colloquia are addressed to a general audience of graduate students (M.Sci. and PhD) in all areas of physics. Presentations last about 45-min, followed by an ample discussion time. The Colloquia series provides an excellent opportunity for the graduate students to get a feeling of different research areas in physics and related fields, to sample the various research opportunities for future jobs and to talk directly with leading scientists. The Physics Seminars are similar to the Colloquia, but they may deal with more focused subjects and can be somewhat more specialized.

Attendance of the Colloquia is compulsory for all graduate students. Attendance to the Seminars is encouraged for everybody, and is compulsory for graduate students of the corresponding area/curriculum.

The Voltian Lecture is an annual event named after the renowned Italian scientist, professor of experimental Physics at the University of Pavia during the last quarter of the eighteenth century. It is often the inaugural event of the series of Physics Colloquia for each academic year, and it represent an important part of the Graduate School's public events programme. It is also meant to create a wider awareness of the outcome and benefits of our research. The Voltian Lecture is awarded to a career scientist whose work has made a major contribution in Physics. 


12 October 2023 at 16:00 in Aula Volta - Catherine Blundell (Oxford University): Our Galaxy: Close encounters in turbulent times - Announcement

COLLOQUIA 2023/2024

16 November 2023 at 17:00 in A101 - Nicole d'Hose (CEA Saclay): Recent Insights in Proton Structure - Announcement

14 December 2023 at 16:00 in A101 - Pietro Faccioli (Univ Milano Bicocca): All-atom computer simulations empower a new paradigm in drug discovery

18 January 2024 at 16:00 in A101 - Iacopo Carusotto (INO-CNR Trento): Quantum simulation of gravitational problems using quantum fluids of atoms and lightAnnouncement

15 February 2024 at 16:00 in A101 - Fabio Caccioli (University College London): Statistical mechanics applications to financial risk management - Announcement

14 March 2024 at 16:00 in A101 - Lorenzo Bianchini (University of Pisa): Measuring the mass of the W-boson: a quest for precision - Announcement

18 April 2024 at 16:00 in A102 - Fabio Beltram (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): Do-it-yourself quantum mechanics - Announcement

16 May 2024 at 16:00 - Borut Paul Kersevan (Univ. Liubljana)


18 October 2022 at 16.00 in Aula 102 - Thierry Giamarchi (University of Geneva, Switzerland): Quantum simulation PosterAnnouncement

COLLOQUIA 2022/2023

17 November 2022 at 16.00 in aula 101 - Marco Battaglieri (INFN Genova): Searching for Light Dark Matter at intensity frontier - Announcement

19 January 2023 at 16h in aula 102 - Caterina Vozzi (IFN-CNR Milano): Ultrafast XUV spectroscoy based on high-order harmonic generation - Announcement

16 February 2023 at 16h in aula 101 - Speranza Falciano (INFN Roma & GSSI): Nuclear physics technologies for cultural heritage and environment - Announcement

16 March 2023 at 16h in aula 101 - Antonio Acin (ICFO Barcellona): The device-independent scenario: quantum information processing based on Bell theorem - Announcement

13 April 2023 at 16h in aula 102 - Karl Jacobs (Univ. Freiburg): The Higgs Boson and the future of Particle Physics


28 October 2021 at 16.30 in Aula 102 - Roberto Battiston (Univ. Trento): High precision cosmic ray physics with AMS-02 on the International Space Station Announcement

COLLOQUIA 2021/2022

22 November 2021 at 17h in aula 102 - Ilaria Mattei (INFN Milano): Recent developments on range monitoring in particle therapy - Announcement - Slides - Recording

13 December 2021 at 17h in aula 102 - Gianni Profeta (Università dell'Aquila): A dream comes true: Room-temperature superconductivity - Announcement - Slides

17 February 2022 at 16h in aula 102 - Fernando Ferroni (Gran Sasso Science Institute): Einstein telescope: A look at the dawn of the universe - Announcement - Poster

17 March 2022 at 16h in aula 101 - Alessandra Retico (INFN Pisa): The potential of AI in advancing medical imaging - Announcement - Poster

28 April 2022 at 16h in aula 101 - Vincenzo Greco (Univ. Catania): Phase transition and properties of the Hot QCD matter created in ultra-relativistic collisions - AnnouncementPoster

19 May 2022 at 16h in aula 101 - Rinaldo Trotta (Univ. Roma La Sapienza): Quantum communication with entangled photons from artificial atoms - Announcement - Poster

16 June 2022 at 16h in aula 101 - Angelo Vulpiani (Univ. Roma La Sapienza): Multifractal approach to fully developed turbulence - Announcement - Poster

COLLOQUIA 2020/2021

29 October 2020 at 15 pm, online on Zoom - Opening Colloquium by Sergio Bertolucci (University of Bologna and INFN): Next generation neutrino experiments at accelerators: the DUNE experiment at FNAL Announcement - Slides - Recording

19 November 2020 at 16h, online on Zoom - Sandro Stringari (BEC Center and University of Trento): Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases - Announcement - Slides - Recording

11 February 2021 at 16h, online on Zoom - Andrea Alù (City University of New York and City College of New York): Metamaterials for Exotic Wave-Matter Interactions - Announcement - Slides - Recording

4 March 2021 at 16h, online on Zoom - Quentin Pankhurst (Univ College London): Biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles - Announcement - Slides - Recording

22 March 2021 (Monday) at 16h, online on Zoom - Massimiliano Razzano (Univ. of Pisa and INFN Pisa): Gravitational waves and the dawn of multimessenger astrophysics - Announcement - Slides

29 April 2021 at 16h, online on Zoom - Zachary Vernon (Xanadu, Toronto): Scaling photonic quantum computers - Announcement - Slides - Recording

13 May 2021 at 16h, online on Zoom - Graziano Venanzoni (INFN Pisa): New results from the muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab - Announcement - Recording


17 October 2019 at 16 pm - Michele Parrinello (ETHZ Zurich, USI Lugano & IIT Genova): Atoms and computers - Announcement - Dedicated web page - Slides

COLLOQUIA 2019/2020 (titles may be preliminary)

14 November 2019 - Alberto Diaspro (IIT-CHT and University of Genova): Multi-messenger optical microscopy: from multiphoton to nanoscopy - Announcement

30 January 2020 - Christine Aidala (University of Michigan): Spin-momentum correlations, Aharonov-Bohm, and color entanglement in quantum chromodynamics - Announcement - Slides

12 March 2020 - Armando Rastelli (Johannes Kepler Univ. Linz): Semiconductor-based sources of quantum light - Announcement - Slides - Recording

26 March 2020 - Roberto Contino (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): Higgs & new physics - Announcement - Slides - Recording 

23 April 2020 - Sandro Scandolo (ICTP Trieste): A solid-state physicist's journey to the center of planets - Announcement - Slides - Recording


18 October 2018 - Giorgio Parisi (Università di Roma La Sapienza & Presidente, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei): Alcuni ricordi personali della fisica del secolo scorso - Dedicated web page - Video

COLLOQUIA 2018/2019  (titles may be preliminary)

8 November 2018 - Nikolina Jankovic (BioSense Institute, Novi Sad): special seminar on Fundraising and research careers in EU R&I Framework Programme - Slides

15 November 2018 - Rosario Fazio (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): Quantum simulators Slides

13 December 2018 - Roberto Osellame (IFN-CNR & Politecnico di Milano): Femtosecond-laser micromachining of transparent materials: an enabling tool for physics on a chip Slides

24 January 2019 - Francesco Romanelli (Università di Roma Tor Vergata & ENEA Frascati): Roadmap to energy from nuclear fusion Slides

14 February 2019 - Ivano Tavernelli (IBM Zurich): Quantum computing simulations: applications in physics and chemistry Slides

7 March 2019 - Daniel Phillips (Ohio University): Knowing what you don't know: Nuclear physics, effective field theory, and uncertainty quantification - Slides

21 March 2019 - Catalina Curceanu (LNF-INFN): Quantum investigations underground - hunt of the "impossible" radiation Slides

11 April 2019 - Siegfried Bethke (MPI for Physics, Munich): Measurements of the Strong Coupling αsSlides

16 May 2019 at 12 am aula Dottorato - Giovanni Paganelli (IRST Meldola, FC and Univ. Ferrara): Peptide receptor radionuclde therapy (PRRT): clinical outcomes and future developments (seminar)  - Slides

27 June 2019 at 16 - Martin J. Savage (Washington University, Seattle, USA): Quantum Simulation for Nuclear Physics (seminar)  - Slides

COLLOQUIA 2017/2018 

October 26th, 2017  ............  Eugenio Coccia (Gran Sasso Science Institute): Opening the gravitational wave window to the Universe , Voltian Lecture - Dedicated page - Video

November 16th, 2017  ............ Fabio Sciarrino (University of Rome "La Sapienza"): Quantum information on a photonic chip - Slides

January 25, 2018 .......... Paolo Milani (University of Milano): special talk on Nanotechnology at work: How to marry an academic career with entrepreneurship 

March 8, 2018 ............ Raffaello Potestio (University of Trento):

FileDescrizioneFile sizeLast modified
Download this file ((Bernd Buechner)talk_pavia-print March 13.pdf)Magnetism and Nanoscale Electronic Properties in Transition Metal OxidesColloquium Prof. Bernd Büchner (IFW Dresden, March 13, 2014)5783 Kb03/21/14 09:56
Download this file (Aidala-Spin-Momentum-Correlations-30-01-2020.pdf)Aidala-Spin-Momentum-Correlations-30-01-2020.pdfSlides Colloquium Christine Aidala 30-01-20203294 Kb01/29/20 16:10
Download this file (Alu-11-02-2021-con-bio.pdf)Alu-11-02-2021-con-bio.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Andrea Alù, 11/02/2021178 Kb01/21/21 10:27
Download this file (Alu-Metamaterials-11-02-2021-slides.pdf)Alu-Metamaterials-11-02-2021-slides.pdfSlides Colloquium Alù Metamaterials 11-02-20219728 Kb02/11/21 15:53
Download this file (Battiston-28-10-2021-announcement.pdf)Battiston-28-10-2021-announcement.pdfAnnouncement Voltian Lecture Battiston 28-10-2021190 Kb10/18/21 21:14
Download this file (Belardi Hollow-Core Fibers 10 March 2016.pdf)Belardi Hollow-Core Fibers Seminar Belardi 10 March 201623281 Kb03/15/16 10:33
Download this file (Bersanelli-Missione-Planck-23-06-2016.pdf)Bersanelli-Missione-Planck-23-06-2016.pdfColloquium Bersanelli Missione Planck 23 June 20164483 Kb06/27/16 11:33
Download this file (Bertolucci-29-10-2020-slides.pdf)Bertolucci-29-10-2020-slides.pdfSlides Colloquium Sergio Bertolucci, 29/10/202058833 Kb10/29/20 15:00
Download this file (Bertolucci-29-10-2020_announcement.pdf)Bertolucci-29-10-2020_announcement.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Sergio Bertolucci, 29/10/2020157 Kb10/18/20 12:12
Download this file (Blundell-Superconductors-23-04-2015.pdf)Blundell How to Build a SuperconductorColloquium Blundell 23-04-201514976 Kb05/12/15 08:22
Download this file (Camporesi_True_Meas_False_Discov_23_03_2017.pdf)Camporesi_True_Meas_False_Discov_23_03_2017.pdfCamporesi True Meas False Discov colloquium 23-03-20173620 Kb03/23/17 15:10
Download this file (Carlson puzzle proton radius 19-05-2016.pdf)Carlson puzzle proton radius 19-05-2016.pdfColloquium Carlson 19 May 20162937 Kb05/20/16 17:13
Download this file (Colangelo Masses Lightest Quarks 31-05-2018.pdf)Colangelo Masses Lightest Quarks 31-05-2018.pdfSlides Colloquium Colangelo masses lightest quarks 31-05-20181062 Kb05/31/18 13:49
Download this file (Colloquium Aidala 30-01-2020.pdf)Colloquium Aidala 30-01-2020.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Christine Aidala 30 January 2020330 Kb01/28/20 19:13
Download this file (Colloquium Contino 26-03-2020.pdf)Colloquium Contino 26-03-2020.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Roberto Contino 26 March 2020332 Kb03/24/20 12:42
Download this file (Colloquium Diaspro 14-11-2019.pdf)Colloquium Diaspro 14-11-2019.pdfAnnouncement colloquium Diaspro 14-11-2019360 Kb10/25/19 14:48
Download this file (Colloquium Pankhurst-04-03-2021-slides.pdf)Colloquium Pankhurst-04-03-2021-slides.pdfColloquium Pankhurst 04-03-2021 slides3077 Kb03/04/21 15:47
Download this file (Colloquium Rastelli 12-03-2020.pdf)Colloquium Rastelli 12-03-2020.pdfAnnouncement colloquium Armando Rastelli 12-03-2020161 Kb02/12/20 16:39
Download this file (Colloquium Scandolo 23-04-2020.pdf)Colloquium Scandolo 23-04-2020.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Sandro Scandolo 23 aprile 2020245 Kb04/17/20 09:09
Download this file (Colloquium Vulpiani 16-06-2022.pdf)Colloquium Vulpiani 16-06-2022.pdfPoster Colloquium Vulpiani 16-06-20221490 Kb06/01/22 08:25
Download this file (Colloquium-Contino-26-03-2020-slides.pdf)Colloquium-Contino-26-03-2020-slides.pdfSlides Colloquium Roberto Contino 26 March 20207434 Kb03/26/20 14:42
Download this file (Colloquium-Greco-28-04-2022-announcement.pdf)Colloquium-Greco-28-04-2022-announcement.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Vincenzo Greco 28-04-20221504 Kb04/06/22 18:49
Download this file (Colloquium-Profeta-13-12-2021-slides.pdf)Colloquium-Profeta-13-12-2021-slides.pdfSlides Colloquium Profeta superconductivity 13-12-202158129 Kb12/14/21 16:10
Download this file (Colloquium-Rastelli-12-03-2020-slides.pdf)Colloquium-Rastelli-12-03-2020-slides.pdfColloquium Armando Rastelli 12-03-2020 slides5196 Kb03/12/20 11:20
Download this file (Colloquium-Vernon-29-04-2021-slides.pdf)Colloquium-Vernon-29-04-2021-slides.pdfSlides Colloquium Vernon scaling photonic quantum computers 29-04-20218386 Kb04/29/21 14:49
Download this file (ColloquiumRasanen.pdf)Colloquium Rasanen Breaking the symmetry Cosmological structure formation and acColloquium (november 25, 2001) By Prof. Syksy Rasanen6083 Kb05/16/13 09:25
Download this file (Colloquium_Gisin_photo.JPG)Colloquium_Gisin_photo.JPG 1810 Kb02/13/15 11:17
Download this file (Crisconio 23-05-2017.pdf)Crisconio 23-05-2017.pdfColloquium Crisconio 23-05-2017294 Kb05/05/17 11:44
Download this file (De Angelis 3D Nanostructures Biophotonics Neuroplasmonics.pdf)De Angelis 3D Nanostructures Biophotonics Neuroplasmonics.pdfColloquium De Angelis 07-04-20165585 Kb04/07/16 17:48
Download this file (Dynamics-effective-mass-Sipe-5-6-15.pdf)Dynamics of the effective mass and the anomalous velocitySeminar Prof. John Sipe, June 4th, 201510290 Kb06/24/15 16:29
Download this file (Ferroni-17-02-2022-announcement.pdf)Ferroni-17-02-2022-announcement.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Fernando Ferroni 17-02-2022228 Kb02/03/22 18:25
Download this file (Fisica-Pavia-Cerebnet-(D'Angelo).pdf)Fisica-Pavia-Cerebnet (D'Angelo)Colloquium Prof. Egidio D'Angelo (Univ. di Pavia, Gennaio 16, 2014)5043 Kb01/28/14 11:01
Download this file (Fornengo-Dark-Matter-11-06-2015.pdf)Fornengo Dark Matter 11-06-2015Colloquium Fornengo (June 11, 2015)39106 Kb06/12/15 09:20
Download this file (Fredenhagen_Vacuum_not_empty_02_02_2017.pdf)Colloquium Fredenhagen 02-02-2017Colloquium Fredenhagen 02-02-2017256 Kb02/02/17 14:36
Download this file (From_Newton_to_quantum_teleportation_Gisin.pdf)From_Newton_to_quantum_teleportation_Gisin.pdfA.A. 2014-2015 Voltian lecture Prof. Nicolas Gisin (UNI Geneva)2311 Kb02/13/15 11:20
Download this file (Gaudino Photons_Home 11-02-2016.pdf)Gaudino Photons to the HomeColloquium Gaudino 02-11-20163146 Kb02/11/16 18:24
Download this file (genoma umano-Dip.Fisica-1.pdf)The Humane Genome: beyond the DNA sequence IThe Humane Genome: beyond the DNA sequence I Conference Prof. G. Ranzani15671 Kb05/16/13 09:26
Download this file (genoma umano-Dip.Fisica-2.pdf)The Humane Genome: beyond the DNA sequence IIThe Humane Genome: beyond the DNA sequence II Conference Prof. G. Ranzani8485 Kb05/16/13 09:26
Download this file (Ghiringhelli UniPV Colloquium May 2017.pdf)Ghiringhelli UniPV Colloquium May 2017.pdfGhiringhelli X-ray vision of high Tc superconductivity Colloquium 11-05-20176141 Kb05/11/17 14:58
Download this file (Giamarchi-2022-10-18-Lezione-Voltiana.pdf)Giamarchi-2022-10-18-Lezione-Voltiana.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Voltian Lecture Giamarchi 18-10-20221486 Kb10/05/22 14:54
Download this file (Heavy-ions-Durante-09-06-2016.pdf)Heavy-ions-Durante-09-06-2016.pdfColloquium Durante 9 June 201613901 Kb06/09/16 16:42
Download this file (Iannuzzi_Fiber_top_technology_26_01_2017.pdf)Iannuzzi_Fiber_top_technology_26_01_2017.pdfSlides Colloquium Iannuzzi 26-01-20177361 Kb01/29/17 16:29
Download this file (Ilaria-Mattei-22-11-2021-slides.pdf)Ilaria-Mattei-22-11-2021-slides.pdfColloquium Mattei 22-11-2021 slides51774 Kb12/09/21 10:42
Download this file (Krauss colloquium.pdf)Integrated Nanophotonics: Issues and opportunitiesColloquium (March2, 2012) By Prof. T. F. Krauss4835 Kb03/05/12 16:56
Download this file (Lezione-Voltiana-Parrinello-17-10-2019.pdf)Lezione-Voltiana-Parrinello-17-10-2019.pdfAnnouncement Volta Lecture by Michele Parrinello, 17 October 2019257 Kb10/09/19 09:56
Download this file (Mantegna-19-04-2018-Econophysics.pdf)Mantegna-19-04-2018-Econophysics.pdfSlides Colloquium Mantegna Econophysics 19-04-20185790 Kb04/19/18 10:35
Download this file (Martinelli-PV2012.pdf)Symmetries, Masses and Mysteries: The origin of masses, flavor and CP violation A.A. 2011-12 Voltian Lecture by Prof. G. Martinelli, SISSA35095 Kb02/02/12 14:55
Download this file (Marzari_03_05_18_See_world_in_grain_sand.pdf)Marzari_03_05_18_See_world_in_grain_sand.pdfColloquium Nicola Marzari 3 May 201810066 Kb05/03/18 14:27
Download this file (Mataloni Integrated-Photonics-QInfo-25-02-2016.pdf)Mataloni Integrated Photonic Circuits Quantum SimulationColloquium Mataloni 25-02-201626504 Kb02/25/16 17:52
Download this file (Mattei-15-11-2021-announcement.pdf)Mattei-15-11-2021-announcement.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Ilaria Mattei 15-11-2021200 Kb11/04/21 14:45
Download this file (Measurements-strong-coupling-alpha_s-Bethke-Pavia-2019-04-11-r.pdf)Measurements-strong-coupling-alpha_s-Bethke-Pavia-2019-04-11-r.pdfMeasurements Stroung Coupling alpha_s slides Bethke 11-04-20192315 Kb04/11/19 09:05
Download this file (MenegolliNEUTRINOS.pdf)Superluminal Neutrinos, OPERA ICARUSSeminar by Prof. A. Menegolli 5889 Kb05/16/13 09:26
Download this file (Mukhanov-Quantum-Universe-02-03-2017.pdf)Mukhanov Quantum Universe 02-03-2017Colloquium Mukhanov Quantum Universe 02-03-201711491 Kb03/14/17 19:47
Download this file (Nikolina-Jankovic-Pavia-EU-08-11-2018.pdf)Nikolina-Jankovic-Pavia-EU-08-11-2018.pdfSeminar Nikolina Jankovic Fundaraising and Research Careers in EU... 8-11-20184464 Kb11/09/18 17:33
Download this file (Nisati-Future-High-Energy-Physics-05-05-2016.pdf)Nisati-Future-High-Energy-Physics-05-05-2016.pdfColloquium Nisati 05-05-201620903 Kb05/11/16 09:13
Download this file (Nuclear Reactions Phillips Colloquiu, 07-03-2019.pdf)Nuclear Reactions Phillips Colloquiu, 07-03-2019.pdfColloquium Daniel Phillips 03-07-209 slides11199 Kb03/07/19 14:55
Download this file (Orbital-Lattice-Spin Interactions in Functional Materials.pdf)Orbital-Lattice-Spin Interactions in Functional MaterialsSeminar Prof. C. Franchini (April 9th, 2015)7010 Kb04/13/15 10:38
Download this file (Osellame-Femtosecond-colloquium-13.12.2018.pdf)Osellame-Femtosecond-colloquium-13.12.2018.pdfColloquium Osellame Femtosecond-laser micromachining 13-12-201813098 Kb12/13/18 14:42
Download this file (Paganelli_slides_colloquium_16-05-2019.pdf)Paganelli_slides_colloquium_16-05-2019.pdfSlides colloquium Paganelli 16 May 20193751 Kb05/22/19 11:07
Download this file (Pandurovic-Linear-Colliders-22-02-3028.pdf)Pandurovic-Linear-Colliders-22-02-3028.pdfColloquium Pandurovic linear colliders 22-03-20186308 Kb03/22/18 12:55
Download this file (Pankhurst-04-03-2021.pdf)Pankhurst-04-03-2021.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Quentin Pankhurst, 04-03-202186 Kb02/16/21 10:32
Download this file (Passera_Testing_SM_Lepton_g-2_21_04_2016.pdf)Passera_Testing_SM_Lepton_g-2_21_04_2016.pdfSeminar Passera 21 April 20167877 Kb04/22/16 15:08
Download this file (Pavia-1(Giuseppe Degrassi).pdf)The Higgs boson and new Physics (G. Degrassi)Colloquium Prof. G. Degrassi (April 11)4398 Kb05/16/13 09:27
Download this file (Potestio-08-03-2018-computational-soft-matter.pdf)Potestio-08-03-2018-computational-soft-matter.pdfColloquium Potestio 08-03-2018 Computational soft matter32578 Kb03/08/18 14:43
Download this file (Profeta-13-12-2021-announcement.pdf)Profeta-13-12-2021-announcement.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Profeta 13-12-2021181 Kb12/08/21 18:51
Download this file (Punturo-Gravitational-waves-20-10-2016.pdf)Punturo-Gravitational-waves-20-10-2016.pdfColloquium Punturo Gravitational waves 20-10-20169695 Kb10/20/16 14:49
Download this file (Quantum Computing Tavernelli 14-02-2019.pdf)Quantum Computing Tavernelli 14-02-2019.pdfQuantum Computing slides colloquium Ivano Tavernelli 14-02-201917144 Kb02/21/19 17:07
Download this file (Quantum-mechanics-underground-Catalina-Curceanu-21-03-2019.pdf)Quantum-mechanics-underground-Catalina-Curceanu-21-03-2019.pdfColloquium Catalina Curceanu 21 March 2019 slides3640 Kb03/21/19 12:29
Download this file (Quantum-Simulators-Rosario-Fazio-15-11-2018.pdf)Quantum-Simulators-Rosario-Fazio-15-11-2018.pdfSlides colloquium by Rosario Fazio 15-11-20184820 Kb11/15/18 13:04
Download this file (Razzano-22-03-2021.pdf)Razzano-22-03-2021.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Razzano 22-03-202188 Kb03/04/21 18:33
Download this file (Razzano-multimessenger-2021_03_22.pdf)Slides Colloquium Razzano 2021-03-22 6182 Kb03/22/21 15:49
Download this file (Renner colloquium.pdf)Is quantum theory informationally complete?Colloquium (February 9, 2012) By Prof. R. Renner8351 Kb03/05/12 17:08
Download this file (Retico-17-03-2022-announcement.pdf)Retico-17-03-2022-announcement.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Alessandra Retico 17-03-20221540 Kb03/07/22 14:51
Download this file (Roadmap-energy-nuclear-fusion-Romanelli-24-01-2019.pdf)Roadmap-energy-nuclear-fusion-Romanelli-24-01-2019.pdfRoadmap to energy from nuclear fusion, Francesco Romanelli 24-01-201912876 Kb01/24/19 12:42
Download this file (Rossi-CNAO-21-05-2015.pdf)Rossi-CNAO-21-05-2015Seminar Dr. Sandro Rossi on CNAO (May 21, 2015)16207 Kb05/26/15 18:13
Download this file (Savage_Pavia_27_June_2019.pdf)Savage_Pavia_27_June_2019.pdfSlides seminar Martin Savage, Pavia 27-06-201911824 Kb07/01/19 09:16
Download this file (Sciarrino-16-11-17-quantum-info-photonic-chip.pdf)Sciarrino-16-11-17-quantum-info-photonic-chip.pdfColloquium Sciarrino 16-11-2017 Quantum Info Photonic Chip44617 Kb11/16/17 13:16
Download this file (Scientific-Utilization-ISS-Crisconio-23-05-2017.pdf)Scientific-Utilization-ISS-Crisconio-23-05-2017.pdfScientific utilization of the ISS - Crisconio 23-05-20172817 Kb05/22/17 14:32
Download this file (Slides-colloquium-Scandolo-23-04-2020.pdf)Slides-colloquium-Scandolo-23-04-2020.pdfSlides Colloquium Scandolo 23-04-202011173 Kb04/23/20 09:49
Download this file (Slides-Lezione-Voltiana-Parrinello-17-10-2019.pdf)Slides-Lezione-Voltiana-Parrinello-17-10-2019.pdfSlides Voltian Lecture Michele Parrinello 17/10/201955163 Kb10/17/19 14:41
Download this file (Slids-Colloquium-Stringari-19-11-2020.pdf)Slids-Colloquium-Stringari-19-11-2020.pdfSlides colloquium Sandro Stringari 19-11-20203662 Kb11/18/20 19:10
Download this file (Stringari-19-11-2020.pdf)Stringari-19-11-2020.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Sandro Stringari, 19-11-2020125 Kb11/03/20 18:55
Download this file (Trotta-19-05-2022-announcement.pdf)Trotta-19-05-2022-announcement.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Rinaldo Trotta 19-05-20221501 Kb05/12/22 12:33
Download this file (Venanzoni-13-05-2021.pdf)Venanzoni-13-05-2021.pdfAnnouncement Colloquium Graziano Venanzoni 13-05-202187 Kb04/28/21 21:39
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