The University of Pavia Doctorate College

Doctorate Schools

For more information:

tel. +39-0382-987425

The doctorate program of the University of Pavia is carried out by five specific Doctorate Schools grouped into a comprehensive College. In the attempt to be and/or to become a “Research University”, the University of Pavia is aiming at a set of “Doctorate of excellence” by mean of which to form higher education graduates, ready to act as “problem solvers” as envisaged in the very original meaning of “Doctorate”. Each School coordinates several doctorate courses as to develop possible common research projects, science formation, series of common seminars and the list of formal courses offered to the graduate students by the single doctorate. The five specific Schools are:

Casella di testo: “Alessandro Volta” School
 in Science and Technology
Casella di testo: Biochemistry
Cell Biology
Experimental Surgery and Microsurgery
Genetic and Biomolecular Science
Internal Medicine and Medical Therapeutics
Pathology and Genetics
Pharmacological Science
Physiology and Neuroscience
Public Health and Education

“Camillo Golgi” School
 in Life Science

School in Engeneering Science

School in Humanistic Science

School in Economic, Juridical, Political and Social Science