The University of Pavia Doctorate College

Casella di testo:

School in Engeneering Science

Director of the School in Engineering Science
Department of Electronics
University of Pavia - Via Ferrata 1,
I-27100 Pavia - Italy
tel.: +39 0382 985203 and Fax: +39 0382 422583

The School in Engineering Science coordinates five Ph.D. courses, namely:

- Bioengineering and Bioinformatics;

- Building Engineering and Architecture;

- Civil Engineering;

- Electronics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering;

- Microelectronics.

The coordination aims to assure a common standard of excellence among the courses, to improve multidisciplinary activities and to exploit the existing synergies, both at the didactic and at the research level.

The grouping of quite different branches of engineering in a single school reflects the typical traits of the engineer, who, independently of his specific field of competence, is characterized by the co-existence of a good mathematical culture, of a robust physical feeling and - as a result - of a rational, realistic and creative attitude in tackling the variety of technical problems posed by the world of research, production and services. The development of such transversal abilities, more or less required for all engineers, is of paramount importance for the School, due to the leading-edge research role that Ph.D.s are called to cover in modern society. To this end the School encourages the organization of a wide-spectrum training on subjects of common interest for all doctoral students and promotes the cross-fertilization among various courses. This multidisciplinary approach is School in Engineering Science very important for allowing Ph.D.s to extend their horizon beyond the limits of their specialization, in such a way

as to improve their capability of giving a real contribution to innovation, by introducing new ideas and perspectives in their specific branch of interest.

The School also promotes the cooperation with other doctorates, both in Italy and abroad. International exchanges of doctoral students are very important in view of the present globalization process, particularly in the scientific and high-tech community.

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