The University of Pavia Doctorate College

Casella di testo:

“Alessandro Volta” School
 in Science and Technology

The School is dedicated to Alessandro Volta, who in Pavia discovered the pile, opening the field of the electricity. Besides this land-mark step in Physics, Volta also devoted his interest to researches related to chemistry, natural sciences and mathematics.

The School in Science and Technology collects the Doctorates in Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Technologies, Earth Science, Ecology and Geobotany, Mathematics and Physics.

A large variety of research activities at the frontiers of the international developments is presently carried out in the Departments related to the School.

A short list reads: design and synthesis of compounds of therapeutical interest in several pathologies; novel methodologies for drug discovery and protein-ligand interaction; staminal cells incapsulation; advanced analytical methods for elements and molecules in the environment; innovative materials for functional applications; synthesis and study of supramolecular systems; ecology and geobotany of aquatic systems; fungal and invertebrates ecology; scientific calculus (numerical methods); mathematical models for condensed matter; statistical mechanics and kinetic theories; algebric geometry; probabilità and statistics; structural geology and sedimentolgy; engineering geology and hydrogeology; geomorphology; optical, electrical, thermodynamical and magnetic properties of semiconductors, superconductors, nanomagnets and frustrate magnets; biomedical physics; theoretical and experimental advanced techniques for nuclear, sub-nuclear and plasma physics; quantum optics and information; relativity and cosmology, theoretical and mathematical physics.

Director of the “A. Volta” School in Science and Technology
Department of Physics “A. Volta”
University of Pavia - via A. Bassi, 6
I-27100 Pavia - Italy
tel. +39-0382-987425

For more information:

Primary mission of the School is to train young researchers capable to join any international leading group and install new research and facilities as well to grow scientists and teachers to grant the development of science and of the high-top education in Universities and Research Centres. Interdisciplinary research fields and links among the specific Doctorates are pursued. The School is publishing a Journal, “Scientifica Acta”, where seminars, lessons, papers, theses and generic news worthy of particular spread in the scientific community are collected.