Prof. Davide Ravelli


Professore associato

Tel.:       (+39) 0382-987316

Fax:       (+39) 0382-987323


Curriculum Vitae

Davide Ravelli (DR) was born in Morbegno (SO, Italy) in 1984 and he is currently associate professor at the PhotoGreen Lab of the University of Pavia. In recent years, DR has been visiting scientist in Knowles group at Princeton University (NJ, USA) and in Waldvogel group at Mainz University (Germany). DR has been the recipient of the Ciamician medal (2017), the Vincenzo Caglioti international award (2017) and the GIF Young Inverstigator Award (2016). DR has been involved in several national and international research projects, including: "Organic Synthesis via Visible Light Photocatalytic Hydrogen Transfer" (role: PI; SIR - Scientific Independence of Young Researchers -, MIUR 2014), "Electrochemical Strategies applied to Organic Synthesis" (role: PI; Fondazione Cariplo 2018), "Combined Electrochemical and Light-Driven Processes for the Sustainable Synthesis of Added-Value Molecules" (role: local PI; PRIN - Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale -, MUR 2020) and "Reaction robot with intimate photocatalytic and separation functions in a 3-D network driven by artificial intelligence" (role: local PI; PATHFINDEROPEN, EIC 2022).

The main research interests of DR are: i) the behaviour of (photogenerated/electrogenerated) high-energy species (radicals, radical ions, diradicals, etc.) and ii) the study of photochemical/photocatalytic reactions and the attending applications in various fields, particularly in sustainable organic synthesis. He is deeply interested in the discovery of methods for easy access to valuable intermediates (mainly radicals) and their trapping. Over the last few years, DR has been involved in the study of hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) reactions promoted by excited molecules, such as polyoxometalate, organic molecules and other derivatives. More recently, he became interested in electrochemistry as a sustainable synthetic approach. The experimental activity by DR is supplemented by theoretical work (exploiting quantum chemical calculations) aimed at streamlining the processes under investigation. Furthermore, he is interested in the evaluation and minimization of the environmental impact of chemical processes by means of green metrics tools (EATOS, LCA), also through the development of continuous flow photochemical reactions.

Scientific Activity

For details on the scientific activity of DR and the complete publication list, please follow one of the links below:

(Last update: June 2024)