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ADVANCED COURSES for the A.Y. 2012/2013:

Here we shall briefly illustrate  the advanced courses offered by the Graduate School in Physics. As recalled above, most courses are offered each two year, thus in the following list each course has a status tagging figure: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED if the course in question IS ACTIVATED this academic year(the activation tagging will appear as soon as the final selection of the courses will be completed by the interested students); NOT OFFERED if the course will be activated the next Academic Year (2013/2014).


Electromagnetic Theory

This is and advanced course in Classical Electrodynamics. Topics will include the theory of radiation and applications of synchrotron radiation both in laboratory and in astrophysics. In order to be activated the course requires that at least three students are willing to audit it.

  • Coordinator: M. Bornatici
  • Instructors: M. Bornatici
  • Status: OFFERED but not activated


Relativistic Quantum Field Theory

This is an advanced course in quantum field theory tailored on those students interested
in theoretical high energy physics. Arguments range from methods in relativistic quantum field theory to particle physics phenomenology.

  • Coordinator: F. Piccinini
  • Instructors: F. Piccinini, G. Montagna, Seminars
  • Status: NOT OFFERED


Statistical Field Theory

This is an advanced course in statistical mechanics. The program typically offers arguments
ranging from phase transitions, critical field theory, renormalization group theory.

  • Coordinator(s): B. Pasquini, M. Guagnelli
  • Instructors: B. Pasquini, M. Guagnelli, Seminars
  • Graduate Students:  M.Chiesa (XXVII),  V. Prosperi (XXVII)


Quantum Information Science

This is an advanced course in quantum information science. Quantum Information has become a large interdisciplinary developing area in Physics. "Information" is a new unifying paradigm, to the extent that quantum-mechanical phenomena are now regarded as inevitable consequences of information-theoretic considerations. The new quantum protocols and algorithms are now part of the everyday physics language, with computer science and information theory now entering the realm of foundations. Unique is the opportunity of working in hi-tech and, at the same time, being involved in fundamental problems. The protocols of quantum teleportation, cryptography, and Shor's algorithms have changed our way of thinking physics.

  • Coordinator: M. D’Ariano.
  • Instructors: M. D’Ariano, C. Machiavello
  • Status:  OFFERED and ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students:  T. Colnaghi (XXVII),  F. Manessi (XXVII)

Selected Topics in Quantum Mechanics

This is an advanced course on selected arguments in quantum mechanics. Quantum Foundations has recently become a main topic in advanced theoretical institutes, with a new focus on the derivation of Quantum Theory from general principles, and on novel frameworks and interpretations, such as the informational and Bayesian ones, along with powerful new approaches to entanglement and nonlocality coming from Quantum Information. On the other hand, the debate on realism and completeness has recently entered the realm of general probabilistic theories, entering also the relativistic context and the foundations of quantum field theory.

  • Coordinator: M. D’Ariano
  • Instructors: M. D’Ariano, C. Machiavello
  • Status: NOT OFFERED


Strong Interactions

This is an advanced course in hadronic physics.

  • Coordinator: M. Radici
  • Instructors: M. Radici, A. Bacchetta, B. Pasquini, Seminars
  • Graduate Students: M.Chiesa (XXVII), P. Dondero (XXVIII), G. Magro (XXVIII), M. Vorabbi (XXVIII)


Nuclear Structure

This is an advanced course in nuclear theory. Typical topics are: nuclear models, nuclear force, nuclear reaction and electromagnetic probes.

  • Coordinator(s): C. Giusti, F.D. Pacati
  • Instructors: C. Giusti, F. D. Pacati


Electroweak and QCD field theories

This is an advanced course on the Standard Model and beyond. Topics will include: neutrino oscillations, introduction to supersymmetry, technicolor, comparison with
recent experimental data.

  • Coordinator: O. Nicrosini
  • Instructors: O. Nicrosini, G. Montagna, F. Piccinini, Seminars
  • Status: NOT OFFERED

Spacetime structure, Cosmology, and Quantum Field Theory

This is and advanced course on the interplay between general relativity and quantum field theory. The argument discussed range from QFT on curved spacetimes to
the analysis of the different approaches to quantum gravity.  Lectures will be colloquium style and open to a general audience of graduate students.

  • Coordinator(s): M. Carfora, C. Dappiaggi
  • Instructors: M. Carfora, C. Dappiaggi, A. Marzuoli, Seminars


Topological Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter Systems

This is a Special Topics Course, under the terms of a CARIPLO Foundation grant, featuring a series of lectures on the interplay  between topological quantum field theory (TQFT) and condensed matter systems. The arguments discussed range from the basic of  TQFT to application to condensed matter system with a particular emphasis on Graphene. The course will host as a distinguished scientist in residence Prof. Alfredo Iorio from the  Charles University of Prague.

  • Coordinator(s): A. Marzuoli, D. Gerace
  • Instructors: D. Gerace, A. Iorio, A. Marzuoli, S. Sanna  Seminars
  • Graduate Students:  F. Alpeggiani (XXVIII),  F. Floris (XXVIII)


This is an advanced course dealing with methods of theoretical physics applied to economy.

  • Coordinator: G. Montagna
  • Instructors: G. Montagna, Seminars
  • Status: NOT OFFERED


Advanced Theory of Solids

This is an advanced course on solid state theory. Arguments include: elementary excitations  (plasmons, polaritons,...), advanced quantum treatment of electronic systems
and the like.

  • Coordinator: L.C. Andreani
  • Instructors: L.C. Andreani, Seminars
  • Graduate Students: F. Alpeggiani (XXVIII),  F. Floris (XXVIII), P.  Kowalczewski (XXVII), S. Pirotta (XXVII), G. Urbinati (XXVIII).



This is and advanced course on photonics and nanophysics. Arguments include: nanophotonic systems and methods, quantum effects in radiation-matter interaction,
non-linear optics.

  • Coordinator: L.C. Andreani
  • Instructors: L.C. Andreani
  • Status: NOT OFFERED


Soft Skills for Graduate Students

This course does not belong to the course requirements but you are strongly advised to attend it. Arguments range from writing techniques for filing a proper grant
request, to developing presentation skills for seminars and the like.

  • Coordinator: A. Bacchetta
  • Instructors: A. Bacchetta
  • Status: OFFERED


Open Quantum Systems

This is an advanced course on the analysis of analytical and numerical techniques for the study of interacting quantum systems.

  • Coordinator: L. Maccone
  • Instructors: L. Maccone
  • Graduate Students:  M. Malgeri (XXVIII), F. Manessi (XXVII), V. Prosperi (XXVII), M. Vorabbi (XXVIII).


Biophysics on Neural Signaling

The course is offered under the aegis of a collaboration between our graduate school and the graduate school in physiology and neuroscience. The computational problems
that are solved by networks of neurons, from roughly 100 cells in a small worm to 100 billion in humans provide a number of challenging problems to physicists.
Careful study of the natural context for these tasks leads to new mathematical formulations and physical modeling of the problems that brains are solving, and these theoretical approaches in turn suggest new experiments to characterize
neurons and networks. This interplay between theory and experiment is the central theme of this course. The course will start from a description of the biomolecular
structure of the neuronal membrane and will provide a biophysical interpretation of the processes generating electrical activity in neurons and synapses. The target is to
illustrate how neurons generate information codes and how these are processed in complex neuronal networks. Topics will include: 1) Biophysical phenomena in the
30 4 Advanced Courses neuronal membrane, 2) Information in spike trains, 3) Principles of signal processing in neuronal networks.

  • Coordinator: E. D’Angelo
  • Instructors: E. D’Angelo
  • Graduate Students:   M. Malgeri (XXVIII), O. Tomas (XXVII), I. Postuma (XXVIII).


Imaging for Biomedical Applications

This is an advanced course on imaging techniques applied to problems in biomedical physics.

  • Coordinator: A. Ottolenghi
  • Instructors: A. Ottolenghi
  • Status: NOT OFFERED


Ionizing Radiations and Biological Structures: Theory and Applications

This is an advanced course on the interaction between biological structures and ionizing radiation. The course will be integrated with the special topic course Modeling
radiation effects from initial physical events, (Pavia, May-June, 2013), dedicated to learning modeling approaches and techniques in radiation biophysics
and radiobiology research, from basic mechanisms to applications.

  • Coordinator: A. Ottolenghi
  • Instructors: A. Ottolenghi
  • Graduate Students:  M. Malgeri (XXVIII),  T. Orlando (XXVII).


Spectroscopies in Condensed Matter Physics

This is an advanced course on spectroscopical techniques in condensed matter physics. Topics will include: (i) time resolved optical spectroscopies: techniques
and experiments; (ii) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Nuclear Quadrupolar Resonance Spectroscopies.

  • Coordinator: F. Marabelli, P. Carretta
  • Instructors: F. Marabelli, P. Carretta, M. Galli.
  • Graduate Students:  F. Floris (XXVIII), G. Urbinati (XXVIII).


Magnetic Resonance Techniques in Solid State Physics

This is an advanced course on magnetic resonace techniques in solid state physics.

  • Coordinator: P. Carretta
  • Instructors: P. Carretta
  • Status: NOT OFFERED


Experimental Particle Physics

This is an advanced course on modern particle physics with a particular attention to
collider physics.

  • Coordinator: D. Rebuzzi
  • Instructors: C. Conta, D. Rebuzzi, A. Negri, Seminars
  • Graduate Students: P. Dondero (XXVIII), A. Falcone (XXVIII),  G. Magro (XXVIII),  I. Postuma (XXVIII), E. Rojatti (XXVIII).


Experimental Nuclear Physics

This is an advanced course on experimental techniques in nuclear and subnuclear physics. The focus of the course is the study of the structure of the lightest hadrons
(mesons,nucleons) in the non-perturbative QCD regime using electromagnetic and hadronic probes. Topics covered will include: (i) overview of the existing theories of
the hadronic structure: quark, chiral symmetry and lattice QCD models; (ii) baryon spectroscopy experiments using elecromagnetic probes; (iii) meson spectroscopy
experiments using hadronic probes.

  • Coordinator: P. Pedroni
  • Instructors: P. Pedroni, Seminars
  • Graduate Students:  G. Magro (XXVIII),  I. Postuma (XXVIII), M. Vorabbi (XXVIII).


Radiation and Particle Detection

This is and advanced course on the Physics of particle detectors.

  • Coordinator: M. Livan
  • Instructors: M. Livan, Seminars


Information and data analysis

Advanced course on data analysis.

  • Coordinator(s): A. Rotondi and A. Fontana
  • Instructors: A. Rotondi, A. Fontana, Seminars
  • Graduate Students: G. Babini (XXVII), T. Colnaghi (XXVII), A. Falcone (XXVIII), P.  Kowalczewski (XXVII), G. Magro (XXVIII),  S. Pirotta (XXVII),I. Postuma (XXVIII),  E. Rojatti (XXVIII).


Neutrino phenomenology and astroparticle physics

An advanced course in astroparticle physics. Arguments include: cosmic rays physics,
satellites and Earth based experiments, introduction to high energy neutrino physics,
(in particular neutrino oscillations).

  • Coordinator: P. W. Cattaneo
  • Instructors: P. W. Cattaneo, Seminars


Courses in Astrophysics

These are advanced courses in astrophysics held at the University of Insubria. There is an agreement between our and their graduate school according to which our students may audit one (and only one)of these courses as part of their academic requirements.



ADVANCED COURSES for the A.A. 2011/2012

This is the official list of the Advanced Courses offered by the Graduate School in Physics during the  academic year 2011/12.  All courses are typically 4 credit (approximately 32-40 hours of of class and labs).

Electromagnetic Theory

This is an advanced course in Classical Electrodynamics. Topics will include the theory of radiation and applications of synchrotron radiation both in laboratory and in astrophysics

  • Coordinator: M. Bornatici
  • Instructors: M. Bornatici
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students:   Benini, Chiesa, Osorio

Selected Topics in Quantum Mechanics

This is an advanced course on selected arguments in quantum mechanics. Quantum Foundations has recently become a main topic in advanced theoretical institutes, with a new focus on the derivation of Quantum Theory from general principles, and on novel frameworks and interpretations, such as the informational and Bayesian ones, along with powerful new approaches to entanglement and nonlocality coming from Quantum Information. On the other hand, the debate on realism and completeness has recently entered the realm of general probabilistic theories, entering also the relativistic context and the foundations of quantum field theory.

  • Coordinator: M. D’Ariano
  • Instructors: M. D’Ariano, C. Machiavello, seminars
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students:  Manessi, Bravi, Rossi, Colnaghi

Nuclear Structure

This is an advanced course in nuclear theory. Typical topics are: nuclear models, nuclear force, nuclear reaction and electromagnetic probes.

  • Coordinator(s): C. Giusti, F.D. Pacati
  • Instructors: C. Giusti, F. D. Pacati, seminars
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students:  Panza, Piersimoni

Electroweak and QCD field theories

This is an advanced course on the Standard Model and beyond. Topics will include: neutrino oscillations, introduction to supersymmetry, technicolor, comparison with recent experimental data.

  • Coordinator: O. Nicrosini
  • Instructors: O. Nicrosini, G. Montagna, F. Piccinini, Seminars
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students:  Benini, Chiesa, Prosperi


Spacetime structure, Cosmology, and Quantum Field Theory

This is and advanced course on the interplay between general relativity and quantum field theory. The argument discussed range from QFT on curved spacetimes to the analysis of the different approaches to quantum gravity. Three distinguished scientist (T. Buchert, K. Fredhenhagen, R. Littlejohn) will lecture on themes ranging from Dark energy and Cosmology, (T. Buchert); Quantum Field Theory, (K. Fredhenhagen); Dynamical systems (R. Littlejohn). Lectures will be colloquium style and open to a general audience of graduate students.

  • Coordinator(s): M. Carfora, C. Dappiaggi
  • Instructors: M. Carfora, C. Dappiaggi, A. Marzuoli, T. Buchert, K. Fredhenhagen, R. Littlejohn
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students:  Sartori, Salvetti, Marinelli, Benini, Zani


This is and advanced course on photonics and nanophysics. Arguments include: nanophotonic systems and methods, quantum effects in radiation-matter interaction, non-linear optics. For the year 2011/12 most of the course is a special topic course offered with the Marie Curie ITN PROPHET workshop Theory and modelling in Photonics, (see http://fisicavolta.unipv.it/prophet.htm ).

  • Coordinator: L.C. Andreani
  • Instructors: L.C. Andreani, seminars
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students:  Pezzini, Pirotta, Bravi, Grassani, Kowalczewski, Orlando

Soft Skills for Graduate Students

This course does not belong to the course requirements but students  are strongly advised to attend it. Arguments range from writing techniques for filing a proper grant request, to developing presentation skills for seminars and the like.

  • Coordinator: A. Bacchetta
  • Instructors: A. Bacchetta
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students:  Pirotta, Babini, Orlando, Pezzini


Biophysics on Neural Signaling

The course is offered under the aegis of a collaboration between our graduate school and the graduate school in physiology and neuroscience. The computational problems that are solved by networks of neurons, from roughly 100 cells in a small worm to 100 billion in humans provide a number of challenging problems to physicists.
Careful study of the natural context for these tasks leads to new mathematical formulations and physical modeling of the problems that brains are solving, and these theoretical approaches in turn suggest new experiments to characterize neurons and networks. This interplay between theory and experiment is the central theme of this course. The course will start from a description of the biomolecular structure of the neuronal membrane and will provide a biophysical interpretation of the processes generating electrical activity in neurons and synapses. The target is to illustrate how neurons generate information codes and how these are processed in complex neuronal networks. Topics will include: 1) Biophysical phenomena in the  neuronal membrane, 2) Information in spike trains, 3) Principles of signal processing in neuronal networks.

  • Coordinator: E. D’Angelo
  • Instructors: E. D’Angelo
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students: Sartori, Salvetti, AL-Hourani, Manessi, Marinelli, Babini, Panza, Colnaghi


Ionizing Radiations and Biological Structures: Theory and Applications

This is an advanced course on the interaction between biological structures and ionizing radiation. The course will be integrated with the special topic course Modeling radiation effects from initial physical events, (Pavia, May 28-June 8, 2012), dedicated to learning modeling approaches and techniques in radiation biophysics and radiobiology research, from basic mechanisms to applications.

  • Coordinator: A. Ottolenghi
  • Instructors: A. Ottolenghi, seminars
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students: Babini, Osorio

Spectroscopies in Condensed Matter Physics

This is an advanced course on spectroscopical techniques in condensed matter physics. Topics will include: (i) time resolved optical spectroscopies: techniques and experiments; (ii) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Nuclear Quadrupolar Resonance Spectroscopies.

  • Coordinator: F. Marabelli
  • Instructors: F. Marabelli, P. Carretta, M. Galli.
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students: Pezzini,  Al Hourani, Pirotta, Kowalczewski, Orlando

Experimental Particle Physics

This is an advanced course on modern particle physics with a particular attention to
collider physics.

  • Coordinator: C. Conta
  • Instructors: C. Conta, Seminars
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students: Panza, Prosperi

Information and data analysis

Advanced course on data analysis.

  • Coordinator(s): A. Rotondi and A. Fontana
  • Instructors: A. Rotondi, A. Fontana, Seminars
  • Status: OFFERED and  ACTIVATED
  • Graduate Students: AL Hourani, Babini, plus students from the Graduate School in Physisology and NeuroScience





Profilo dei corsi a.a. 2009-2010

Profilo dei corsi a.a. 2007-2008
Profilo dei corsi a.a. 2006-2007
Profilo dei corsi a.a. 2005-2006