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Graduate Students and GS Representative

Graduate Student Representatives

Each year, the graduate students elect representatives in the Graduate School Board (GSB) and in the Department Board (DB) , who are  voting members for what concerns courses, organizational matters and related issues. Responsibilities include: attending grad student events or otherwise being available to listen to fellow student concerns, attending meetings of the Boards, and bringing concerns to the attention of the Board. Unofficially, we agreed upon having three representatives (one per cycle).

Current representatives (2024):

Alberto Bonicelli (DB)

Federica De Domenico (GSB)

Davide Rolino (GSB)

Lorenzo Rossi (DB)

Francesco Scala (DB)



Please see the personal homepages at the Physics Department website (new and old) for full details.

Elenco dottorandi ciclo 38° e 39°

  37° ciclo:

Angelini Margherita

Bonicelli Alberto

Grova Carmelo

Gurgone Andrea

Pascali Valeria

Porru Margherita

Roncallo Simone

Rossi Lorenzo

Rossini Riccardo

Scala Francesco

Sinibaldi Luca

36° ciclo:

Ali Hanan

Barbaro Francesca

Budassi Ettore

Cerutti Matteo

Colombi Alessandro

Del Pio Clara Lavinia

Manco Giulia

Restelli Simone

Venturini Simone

Zanotti Simone

35° ciclo: 

Agarwala Jinky

Aimè Chiara

Barone Andrea

Familiari Francesca

Lonati Leonardo

Lugli Matteo

Mangini Stefano

Sclavi Federico

Sutrini Claudio

Vaglini Leonardo

Zatti Luca

34° ciclo:

Calzaferri Simone

De Souza Campos Lissa

Cicolari Davide

Charlaftis Efstathios

Fiorina Davide

Magni Chiara

Perani Tommaso

Rinaldi Lisa

Rinaldi Paolo

Veronese Alessandro

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