The University of Pavia Doctorate College

Casella di testo:

Doctorate in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
School in Engeneering Science

Research Areas

The Doctorate covers four research areas:

- Medical Informatics;

- Bioinformatics;

- Biogenesis;

- Bioengineering.



The Research Doctorate in Bioengineering and bioinformatics is designed to train doctoral students in the following areas: biotechnologies and biogenesis, bioinformatics, advanced multimedia information technology applied to biology, medicine, and healthcare, biomedical and pharmaceutical technologies, new structural and functional materials for biomedical applications, electronic bioengineering and biomechanics.

Electronic bioengineering is related to the use of electronic technologies aimed at developing new equipments for the acquisition of biomedical data, signals and images and their interpretation for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes.

Bioengineering information technology is designed to use the methods of information and communication technologies to implement new approaches to the management of biomedical knowledge and to plan and manage therapeutic processes efficiently and effectively.

Bioinformatics may be defined as an innovative scientific area dealing with computational processing of all types of biological information or knowledge.

Biogenesis analyses the hierarchical and decisional levels controlling gene activation in the course of development (from fecundation to organ genesis and senescence) and analyses data with appropriate statistical and computational methods. Given its highly interdisciplinary characteristics, the training program, initially, lays down activities directed to the completino of the student’s basic training and to the acquisition of advanced knowledge in various scientific sectors of interest.

Coordinator of the Doctorate Course
 in “Bioengineering and Bioinformatics”
Department of Information and Communication Systems
University of Pavia - via Ferrata, 1
I-27100 Pavia - Italy
tel. +39-0382-985359/50 and Fax. 0382 985373

For more information:

Research Projects

A list of in progress research projects in which doctorate students can be involved follows. They are divided according to the above research areas.

- Medical Informatics: intelligent data analysis (IDA) in nephrology for monitoring and diagnosis; models and pharmacokinetics of tumour growth in vitro and in vivo applied to new drugs development; medical knowledge management systems based on workflow management technology; telephone or web-based telemedicine for remote management of diabetic patients; economic assessment and risk management of health care.

- Bioinformatics: analysis of data from DNA micro-arrays in functional genomics; study of the genetics of isolated populations and association studies; analysis of mass spectrometry data in proteomics; system biology of hybrid models of gene regulation networks.

- Biogenesis: functional reprogramming of cell nucleus; gene expression regulation durino pre-implant stage of mouse embryo; differentiation of male germinal cells; effects of gonadotropines on gene expression of mouse oocyte.

- Bioengineering: Cardiotochography and foetal monitoring; eye scan-path analysis applied to ergonomics and e-learning system assessment; natural and artificial models of sensorymotor control; tissue engineering of bone; wearable monitoring and measurement systems based on intelligent sensors.


International Projects

The Ph.D. Program is supported by the scientific cooperation with Italian and foreign Institutions and Universities. Moreover, the Doctorate Program promotes the scientific cooperation with foreign Universities with specific agreements for joint supervision of the thesis of Ph.D. students.