Knowledge as Duty: Lorenzo Magnani’s Website
"...morality is distributed in our technological world in a way that makes some scientific problems particularly relevant to ethics. [...] One solution, I believe, is to re-examine the respect we have developed for particular externalities and then use those things as a vehicle to return value to people."
(L. Magnani, Morality in a technological World)

Aug '07

My book “Abduction, Reason and Science” translated in Chinese

9[意] 洛伦佐·玛格纳尼 / 著;李大超,任远 / 译,《溯因、理由与科学——发现和解释的过程》,中国广州:广东人民出版社2006年. Translated by Dachao Li and Yuan Ren, Guangdong People’s Publishing House, Guangzhou, 2006).


保罗·萨伽德(Paul Thagard)